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There is a regulation governing the maximum UV output of sunbeds.  This is generally referred to as 0.3 and is approved by the EU and complies with all British and European consumer safety regulations.


A 0.3 tanning session delivers the same tanning effect as the

mid-day Mediterranean summer sun but without the risk of burning.

0.3W/m2 is the amount of UV exposure that the EU’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP)

set as the limit for effective irradiance. 

This limit was then added to the European and British standards relevant for sunbeds. 

A sunbed with a UV output above this level is deemed as ‘unsafe’.


What you can expect from a 0.3 tanning session:

  • Your tan will be deeper and longer-lasting

  • The tanning process is kinder to your skin

  • The risk of over-exposure or burning is effectively eliminated

Skin Types

Skin type 1 - Cannot achieve a tan, even with repeated exposures. People with this skin type should avoid the sun and rely on fake tan lotion or full SPF protection.

(2% of all Central Europeans) 

Skin type 2 - Can tan, but will only generate a light brown colour. Steady tanning is the key with careful attention to exposure times. Using an accelerator or amplifier will help to create a deeper tan.

(12% of Central Europeans)

Skin type 3 - Tans easily and profusely with normal exposure. Care still has to be taken to ensure that you do not over expose yourself to strong and pro-longed tanning.

(78% of Central Europeans)

Skin type 4 - Is extremely pigmented even without ultraviolet exposure. With a natural tanned look, a weekly tanning session will keep the bronzed look.

(8% of Central Europeans)


Positive Effects
UV light is vital for the production of Vitamin D. It is now being recognised that there are many

health benefits associated with UV tanning.

Vitamin D regulates the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorous.

These minerals are vital for growth and the development and hardening of bones and teeth.


Immune System
Parts of the bone marrow where immune cells are made respond to Vitamin D,

which is also thought to play a role in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

By playing a role in the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, Vitamin D helps in the regulation of blood sugar.

Nervous System
Vitamin D ensures the functioning of healthy nerves and muscles by regulating calcium levels in the blood,

vital for nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction. UVB radiation is associated with

reduced risk of cancer of the breast, colon, ovary and prostate as well as non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Safe Tanning: Services
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